“The mentoring project was a great foot in the door to social work for me.”
Our Mentoring Project
Our mentoring project runs continuously, with mentors recruited to provide regular, one-to-one support sessions for mentees. Following a 10 week period of accredited training, mentors are supervised as they support another parent over a six month period. The aim of the project is to connect parents who have successfully opened up new opportunities in their own lives with those who are just starting out on a similar journey.
We are currently looking for new mentors to join our team. If you are interested, please get in touch.
If you feel you would benefit from the support of a mentor please call and speak to a member of staff.
Our Mentors
Our mentors have all gone through our Mentoring Project training course and have direct experience of helping others to understand the potential within themselves. Mentoring at the Parent House is uniquely concerned with both the practical steps that mentees need to take as well as the emotional ones.
Parents who volunteer to become mentors benefit from the programme as much as the mentees, through the training and the whole experience of supporting another parent.

Click below to contact us and find out more.
Some of our volunteer mentors
“I’m really happy you took me on regardless of my illnesses. The support and training I got has been really great, it suits me a lot. Others wouldn't have accepted me and not taken that risk, but you did, and were never judgemental. You phone me and I like it. 3 years ago I had no one to talk to other than my family, but now I do. It's like a family, a good group of friends, always a constant contact. You never stop making sure I'm ok, others are ok. Each one of you have supported me in a different way and I can talk to you all without feeling bad, and at ease. I like how you give me jokes and keep me going. It's marvellous what you lot do.”
Bernadine, Level 3 Mentor